Life-Centered Career Education Pathway Courses

This course will allow students to access skills to become independent members of the community. This course provides the opportunity to practice home living tasks, decision-making skills, and problem-solving. Students will progress through each level (I-IV) based on mastery of curricular expectations. Navigating and accessing community resources are integral to the LCCE Pathway. Students will matriculate through this alternative program and will not earn course credits. Students will matriculate through this alternative program and will not earn course credits.
This course will allow students to access a variety of prevocational skills such as interviewing, completing job applications, matching skill/ interest to jobs, and workplace social skills. Students will progress through each level (I-IV) based on mastery of curricular expectations. The goal is to increase students’ chances of obtaining and maintaining employment. Students will matriculate through this alternative program and will not earn course credits.
This course will allow students to be placed at on-campus work sites where they acquire a variety of vocational skills such as customer service, workplace math, teamwork, time on task, endurance, and coping with change. Students will progress through each level (I-IV) based on mastery of curricular expectations. Students will matriculate through this alternative program and will not earn course credits.
This course is the capstone to the LCCE Pathway, and students must complete the vocational and work studies coursework as a prerequisite. Students are placed in community-based internships working with the District Job Coach. Students will participate in community internships and job shadow placements by applying vocational skills learned previously in their work studies and vocational studies courses. Students will receive onsite job training in diversified occupations. Students will matriculate through this alternative program and will not earn course credits.