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Jobs for Delaware Graduates Pathway Overview

Jobs for Delaware Graduates (JDG) offers four (4) levels of instruction that prepare students for success in the workplace, at skilled and technical trade programs, or at college. The curriculum includes nine school-to-work modules that focus on a variety of topics including job exploration, entrepreneurship, financial planning, interpersonal skills such as teamwork and communication, and soft skills such as critical thinking and emotional intelligence. Students participate in community service events throughout the year and eligible seniors have the opportunity for an internship placement. The JDG Teacher is available to assist JDG students in finding jobs in the career of their choice during the school year, in the summer, and for 12 months following graduation.
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Jobs for Delaware Graduates Pathway Courses


1 Credit

Students will review study skills, personal grooming, goal setting, decision making, choosing a career path, maintaining a positive attitude, coping with change, values clarification, image assessment, enhancing necessary workplace success skills, group dynamics, conflict resolution, and life skills math.


1 Credit

Coursework includes problem-solving, teamwork, goal setting, money management, workplace math, courtesy and respect, customer service, workplace diversity, writing job applications, career interests, entrepreneurship, leadership and understanding insurances.


1 Credit

Participants learn about career vocabulary, resume writing, sources of jobs, telephone skills, listening skills, stress management, personal budgeting, occupational preferences, career manual, verbal presentations, critical thinking, constructive criticism, and professional ethics.


1 Credit

Students receive instruction in time management, cover letters, choosing career attire, employment interview, job survival, performance evaluations, business etiquette, employee rights, pay and benefits, financial planning, career travel, writing a letter of resignation, and career portfolio. Each senior will develop a Career Portfolio that includes a resume, references, a sample job application, and commendations. JDG 12 may be the student’s co-op class ONLY if JDG is the student’s Pathway (the student’s third or fourth year of JDG classes) and the counselor approves it.